The "Time"

There is never too much time, time must be cherished,
But we don't need to rush very quickly,
We need to think about the situation and understand
What actions need to be taken.
  We often don't think about the consequences.
  And then we regret these actions,
  Not done the way it should be
  We were not initially deliberate.
Everything takes time, especially now
You need to understand that time is short,
Indeed, in some cases it ends in an hour,
And this hour will not be enough for us.
  Don't waste your time
  And usefully finish this day,
  Manage to do all the necessary actions
  And do not break the laws of your country.
How precious is time for all of us
And even a wasted hour
Should have been well spent
Which cannot be returned back in any way.
  There is never too much time
  Nobody can waste it
  But often no one notices him.
  You need to understand that time disappears forever.
You need to understand this as soon as possible,
After understanding this, a person begins
Begins to live understanding
That in time he survives.